Fédération Québécoise des Massothérapeutes Agréés

Administration Board


The board of directors is made up of seven members. It has the authority and the duty to administer the FQM’s affairs, providing that it complies with all the applicable laws in Québec and with the FQM Code of Ethics and its regulations. For further information, please view the General Regulations of the FQM.


Maroine Bendaoud

President-Executive Director

Maroine Bendaoud worked at the FQM from 2008 to 2012, inclusively, holding several positions (member services, communications agent, project manager). In addition, he drafted the brief tabled before the Office des professions du Québec for purposes of creating a professional order of massage therapists. He was also charged with changing the website and database, specifically for the computer records on the FQM’s 5,000 members. He went on to complete his PhD in administration and public policy, followed by two postdoctoral fellowships (McMaster University and UQAM). His research work earned recognition, receiving financial support from scientific funding agencies in Québec (FRQSC) and Canada (SSHRC). He also completed research stints at several renowned universities, including Berkeley, Yale University and Sciences Po Paris. Before returning to serve as Executive Director of the FQM in 2021, Maroine spent two years at the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), where he worked on the development of health-centered public policies and the evaluation of public health and social services programs. He was appointed president-executive director of the FQM in 2022, with the objective of protecting the public and representing the interests of members and partners. His chief objective is to improve working conditions for massage therapists and kinesiotherapists and position them as recognized actors in the health care field.

Christine Michaud

Chair of the BD

After 25 years in management and resource organization, Christine Michaud reoriented her career to become a certified massage therapist in 2015. As the mother of a young woman who has suffered from chronic pain since childhood, she is particularly interested in complementary approaches that offer respite from pain. To this end, she specializes in oncology and pain management for seniors and adults as well as adolescents and children, to whom she offers massage support adapted to their condition. She is involved in the FQM Board of Directors because she wants to protect the public and have massage therapists recognized as health professionals.



Clare Parsons graduated with a diploma of anatomical sciences from McGill University in 1995. She went on to obtain her diploma in exercise science from Concordia University in 1998, with a specialization in sports therapy. The following year, she joined the Canadian Athletic Therapists’ Association as a sports therapist, which led her to work with a variety of amateur sports teams. In 2002, she decided to specialize in massage therapy and Swedish massage, becoming a member of the FQM. For three years, she travelled to world, offering massage therapy on cruise ships. In 2005, she marked a return to terra firma, accepting a position as a massage therapist at Concordia Physio Sport. Clare specializes in deep-tissue massage. She has also padded her CV, adding Vodder manual lymphatic drainage training to her skill set. She uses Vodder to treat lymphedema and patients in post-surgery. She has also completed her training in massage therapy for people living with cancer. Clare brought her wealth of experience to the FQM board of directors in 2019.

Sylvie Desautels


Sylvie Desautels began practicing as a massage therapist in 2015. She holds a bachelor of psychology, which led her to the social work field. For 15 years, she managed two establishments categorized as intermediate resources for youth. After completing her training in massage therapy, she specialized in massage therapy in oncology and lymphatic drainage for purposes of providing relief to people living with cancer. From massage therapy, she draws a sense of well-being and peace of mind, which she tries, in turn, to impart to her clients. Ms. Desautels seeks to reduce their anxiety and allay their concerns. Her desire to ease their suffering is rooted in a deep sense of empathy for people with cancer. On the FQM board of directors, she hopes to regulate the practice of massage therapy and protect the public. Her objective is to ensure the provision of safe and professional care throughout Québec.

Joëlle Frenette


Joëlle has been practicing massage therapy as a self-employed worker and in various organizations for over thirty years. She also has extensive experience as a Swedish massage and polarity teacher. She has also been a Swedish massage and polarity evaluator for the FQM, and has led groups of trainers in updating the Swedish massage grid. She is currently a massage therapy expert witness in sexual assault cases. Having served on the Board of Directors in the 1990s, she joins the Board again in 2023, to contribute her wealth of experience to the professionalization of massage therapy in Quebec. It's a cause that has been close to her heart since the very beginning of her career!

Dr. Philippe Sauthier


Dr. Philippe Sauthier received his Diplôme Fédéral de Médecine (medical diploma) and doctorate from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. He went on to complete his training in gynecology and obstetrics at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois in Lausanne. In 2004, he joined the oncologic gynecology team at the CHUM as an active member and assistant professor of clinical medicine. In 2009, he created and became director of the Registre des Maladies Trophoblastiques du Québec. In 2011, he was appointed chief of oncologic gynecology, and in 2013 he was named medical assistant at the Centre Intégré de Cancérologie (CHUM). In 2015, he became a full-time associate professor PTG at the Université de Montréal and was then named head of CHUM obstetrics and gynecology, a position he held from 2016 to 2021. He currently works as a medical consultant at the CHUM, and he serves as chair of the board of directors of the Quebec Cancer Foundation. As a member of the FQM board of directors, he contributes to the cause of professionalizing massage therapy in Québec by investing time, drawing on his contacts, and sharing his knowledge. Given the increasing vulnerability of the population, it is imperative that all workers receive the proper training and supervision in their practice. This serves to limit the risk of serious harm, and it protects the public and caregivers who are exposed to difficult and stressful situations. It is from this perspective that Dr. Sauthier is completing his first mandate as a member of the FQM board of directors.