Le statut de membre étudiant

Training in massage therapy (reference to the Québec model of massage therapyTMincludes three competency profiles and allows the certified massage therapistTM* to perform a massage that is safe, effective and adapted to various health conditions.

These three profiles take the form of training programs (from 400 to 1,800 hours) offered across the network of FQM-accredited schools and through the Institut de formation de la FQM. Their accreditation ensures that teaching and training are compliant with the highest quality standards (ISO 9001: 2015) comparable with those in force in other provinces where massage therapy is regulated.

The requirements of the FQM-recognized training profiles are as follows:

  • Profile 1: 400 hours
  • Profile 2: 1,000 hours
  • Profile 3: 1,500 to 1,800 hours

For complete details on each of these profiles, please view the Québec model of massage therapy.

Explanatory video 


Questions on this subject…

If you have any questions concerning massage therapy training, please contact our member services at 1-800-363-9609, extension 228, or write to support@fqm.qc.ca

For further information

Online training capsules 

The Québec mode of massage therapy (in French)

FQM-accredited schools (in French)

Courses offered by the Institut de formation de la FQM (in French)

Continuing professional training: An effective career development strategy (in French)


* The designations “Québec model of massage therapy” and “certified massage therapist” are both registered trademarks of the FQM.



If you have any questions about massage therapy education, please do not hesitate to contact our member services, at 1-800-363-9609, ext. 228, or by e-mail at support@fqm.qc.ca


* The designations Modèle québécois de la massothérapie and massothérapeute agréé are both registered trademarks of the FQM.